Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Well, I have finally decided to enter the electronic world and create a blog for our family. I think it will be fun to keep everyone updated on what we are doing. I am trying to get this setup as Kelsey is talking a mile a minute about making pictures for her teacher, so I sure hope this works.


Julie Waswick said...

Thanks for sending me the link to your new site to keep us informed of your families activities. This is a great way to stay "in touch" with long, lost friends like me!
Looks like your summer is starting out well. Can’t wait for the next update!
Julie & Olivia

PDRieke said...

Thanks for the update. Fun to hear from you and see current pictures of children/activities. Kari, I also enjoyed the Hunt for Red October. Great flick!

Dan, I'm off to play a round of golf at the Jerome Country Club tomorrow ... care to join? Ha.

Hope this finds you all well!
