Well, another long day at home. Thankfully I have the internet handing on the trusty laptop.
Update on the leg: I have been off the pain meds for a few days, for which my stomach thanks me. The swelling is down and so my toes don't look like the pillsbury dough boy any more. There is a lot of itching and the inability to scratch drives me batty from time to time. My next appointment is next Tuesday. Hopefully they will change the cast at that point so it is not so huge. I have not ventured to the top floor of the house yet, but have been able to go to the main level. Dan and the kids are doing a wonderful job taking care of Mom, for which I am grateful.
The girls are doing great in school. Kelsey told us today that she didn't want to ride the bus because she likes to be first in her classroom and the bus goes too slow and therefore she is not the first one there. Kayleigh has been reading to Kels and Keaton, which is so special. She is such a great big sis.
Keaton is quite the character. He is kind of hooked on wrestling. Dan took him to a meet in Fargo during Christmas and we watched some matches on TV the other night. Now he wants the girls to wrestle with him. He puts up his dukes and says 'wrestle with me'. Kelsey is his favorite target and she usually goes along with it. Once Keaton gets Kelsey on the floor he jumps up with his hands in the air and declares 'I am a winner'. When he isn't wrestling with his sisters, he is running down the hallway and sliding into home base. Such a boy. Last night he got out Dan's ear muffs and put them on his head. At first I didn't get it, but then when he asked Kelsey to wrestle it dawned on me. He had on his head gear and was ready to go. He was so proud. You will notice from the pictures below that Keaton is really into wearing Bob the Builder clothes. If anyone finds an outfit like the one in the picture, let me know. I got it at a garage sale this summer and since he is so tall the bibs don't fit the best, but he won't wear anything else right now. Not sure if I have mentioned this before, but Keaton is fully potty trained YEAH!!