Wow, did July fly by fast!
The kids are doing great. Keaton had his last speech session of the summer last week and is starting to put together 2 words. He had a BLAST at the fair a few weeks ago. I don't remember how many times we went through the barns. He loved going to pet the horses and we even watched a little bit of one of the horse shows. He was able to see the sheep getting sheared, which he then proceeded to put his hands in a clipping notion by his cheek because they were using hand scissors to cut the hair. It was cute and only lasted about a week. He thought the show where they catch the alligator was "scary". Connie did buy Keaton a blow up guitar that has given us hours of entertainment from Keaton. The pet parade is this week and I think we are going to have Keaton ride his tractor with some animals in the back.
Kelsey has started speech at MN Children's hospital and has had 2 sessions. The first session she seemed to get frustrated a little, but the 2nd session went really well. Now she has homework to do for next week. T-ball is over and the last game with the parents was hilarious. The coaches made the parents spin 5 times around the bat with the bat on their forehead...t-ball bats are not very big and some of them had a hard time bending over to do it. Dan was 2nd in line and gave us all a good show. 5 short trips around that bat ended up being a little much to maintain any kind of balance and the ball seemed to move several times from the tee before he finally connected. I can make fun of him because I wasn't out there....ha ha ha. I was disappointed to see my pictures didn't turn out well of the team. :( This week is the last week for cheer camp and they will be doing a performance during the pet parade on Thursday and also a different performance after the parade. Kelsey had fun at the fair this year too, and of course we made several visits to the horse barn. 

Kayleigh is definately ready for school to start...or is that me?? She is also in cheer camp and will be in the same performances as Kelsey. She had fun at the fair doing all of the rides, several times. We bought a weekly pass and made it out there every day. Connie stayed with us that week and was a big help watching all of the kids. Kayleigh doesn't get sick on anything so she hit almost every ride each day and with the short lines we made off good with the weekly passes. Kelsey rode the rides with Kayleigh this year, which was nice. Kayleigh collects pigs and so we had to go see the real ones numerous times, she was able to go into one of the pens. Her Sunday school teacher had several of the pigs out there and they were cleaning them the one time we went through. That made her day. Slow pitch is also over and again Dan had a good time playing (missing a few pitches) with the kids. I shouldn't be so tough on him, I couldn't have done any better.
As I mentioned, Connie came and stayed with us for a few days a couple weeks ago. She helped me remove all of the nasty wallpaper in our kitchen. YAY!!! This week we are painting the kitchen and living me you are not going to recognize it! I am so relieved to just have that nasty wallpaper gone, the white wall underneath it is easier on the eyes and makes the kitchen look huge in comparison.
Sorry for the long post, I will try better next time. Too much going on at once it seems.