Saturday, January 22, 2011


Another weekend of basketball tourneys, birthday parties, hockey and bears...oh my. Today I was able to watch 2 of 3 of the games for Kayleigh's team before trucking K-dog around. The girls are doing a pretty good job, even if they don't win. In the 2nd game, Kaylee (not Kayleigh) scored 10 points and Kayleigh (aka sneakers) took 4 rebounds. It is a lot of back and forth play with this age group, but the girls really seem to enjoy themselves, which is what matters.

Last night the girls' basketball teams were able to shoot hoops during half time as the MBA youth teams were honored at the game. It was fun to see them run around with their friends and it reminded me of the when I would run around with my friends at the games (although I think we did that more in high school than junior high). Medford ended up losing by 4 points but the other team had 2 or 3 girls that were a good 5-6 inches taller than our tallest player.

Monday, December 27, 2010


I received a Gypsy for Christmas this year. I am so excited to use it and have played around with it a little, but found this wonderful site today and will be going back often. Emma - Creative Time She has some really great videos on how to use the Gypsy as well as other 'how to' videos. I can't wait to have time to craft again. First, I need to reorganize all of my tools/gear so that I know where everything is at.

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm back

I think I am going to start using this blog again. It has only been a few years.

 Kayleigh and Keaton looking for their sled

The kids at the Christmas Concert

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vacation Bible School!

The kids are ready for singing in their final performance of camp.

Kelsey's favorite counselor, Vera, who is from Australia and has the accent to match!

We took the vacation bible school experience by having (2) counselors stay at our house Sunday - Thursday during the camp. All 3 kids loved the experience of having Casey and Kyle at our house and they thoroughly enjoyed the camp and learned some great songs.

Kelsey saw me recording this clip. Gave the "thumbs up".

Fun at the Zoo

Always a fun exhibit, the family took in the Sparky the Seal show on Father's Day. It was a nice day, pleasant weather, overall a very nice trip. Visiting the Como and Minnesota Zoo's are always a favorite.

Keaton trying on his fireman boots.

The kids enjoy the Africa exhibit at the MN Zoo with Aunt Connie

Kelsey isn't so sure about the giraffe.

Kelsey and Kayleigh both took advantage of the free face painting
for the opening weekend of the African exhibit.

WHOA! The giraffe loved that wheat cracker!

Working on the jump shot

Keaton's taking a keen interest in basketball and now uses the outdoor hoop at it's lowest level. He's a pretty good shot.

Our Little Artist

Kelsey had her artwork chosen as one of 3-4 at Jefferson Elementary to be framed and posted around the school. At the conclusion of a month, all area artists that were chosen were included in a special event at the local Paradise Theater for the Performing arts. Here is Kelsey by her artwork at the exclusive "artists only" pre-viewing.