Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Easter Eggs! Always a joy!!

The annual rite of Easter Egg coloring was eagerly anticipated at the Walock household. Note to self: More than 36 eggs next year!!!

Keaton is busy demonstrating the proper technique to mom. I was worried about having the dye all over the floor in one fell swoop.

The kids celebrate part of their haul. Fun, fun, fun!

Kayleigh and Kelsey are enjoying coloring some eggs!

YES, it's Minnesota, you can still make snowforts in late March and April.

Primping for the big Day

With her Cousin and Godmother Amy's wedding quickly approaching, it was time to get her dress fitted so it's just right for her debut as a Jr. Bridesmaid. Kelsey was fearful of getting stuck by a needle, so she stood pretty still.

OH GOSH, aren't we done yet??

Yes, the end is near, I am finished!! Thank you Kayleigh for the moral support!!!

Easter at the Walocks

This Easter we spent at Daniel's brothers house in Lakeville. The weather was cold, so the Easter Egg hunt was held inside.

Cousin Andrew looks very thrilled to be spending some quality time with Keaton and the Walock girls!!
Do I care about my hair, or 3 large eggs? Easy question! EGGGSSSSSSS!!!!

Kelsey was tickled to see the Easter bunny puts his little paw on the card she made for her. When Easter morning hit, the state of her hair was not a pressing issue.

The kids also were able to take in the big Easter Egg hunt at the Shattuck St. Mary's campus in Faribault. It's a prestigious prepartory school built in the 1800's that is reminiscent of Dead Poet's Society. That one, too, was held inside. But, the lack of nice weather didn't deter the kids from having fun!

Quality time with the Easter Bunny!

You so silly.

Keaton isn't sure what to do in his EGG-travaganza!!

Daniel and Kelsey await the start of the action. Looks like everyone would get plenty of eggs.

Spring? Not yet!

The weather has been playing tricks on us the last 4-6 weeks. One day in the 50's, a day later 6 inches of snow. It melts in 2 days, more snow. We got rid of the last bout of snow, now Northern Minnesota will get up to 18 inches in the next couple days.

With some nicer weather, the kids are outside a lot. Kelsey loves to swing the bat and Dad held the "hit-n-stick" for her. Good form!